I’ve Landed in Western Massachusetts!

I had a wonderful time in Ohio and now I’m making a couple of stops in Massachusetts.  That’s in the northeastern part of the United States.  The children in Mrs. Poulin’s Kindergarten class were excited to find me in their mailbox on Monday morning.  I’ll be moving on again at the end of this week.

I know Mrs. Poulin was sorry I never made it to the largest St. Patricks Day Parade with her, but what she didn’t know was I was right there on the other side of the street!  I’d decided to stop by on my own since the mailman couldn’t get me to the school in time.  Here’s a picture that Mrs. Poulin took of Mr. Poulin and their daughter Heather.  The parade was just grand!

   I  am spending the night with one of my new friends Grant,  so I’ll have lots more to talk about in my next post.  I am happy to meet so many new friends and everyone treats me very nicely.  Here is a picture of me with my new friend Grant.   He made me a new collar of colorful beads.Boy is it warm here. Today the temperature was well over 80F and that is record heat for March in this area! The new school garden will be ready for planting in no time but for now we are planting seeds of friendship!


One thought on “I’ve Landed in Western Massachusetts!

  1. HI all
    I have lived in massachusetts for half a year and i like it a lot. How much does Davo Devil like it?

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