We are on our way, Comox Valley!!

Firstly, a big thank you to the Grade 6/7 students and classes that gave Miss W a pen and notepad before she went on holidays. She has been using it to make notes ready to write these posts each day or couple of days.

Well, we left Newport, Oregon in fog. Not just a little fog, but thick ”can’t cut it with a knife” fog. This continued all the way up to a town called Seaside. It was here we chatted with a very friendly lady in the visitor’s centre. She agreed with Miss W about how the coast of Oregon and the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia were very similar in scenery. She had been there and really enjoyed her stay. She gave us directions for the quickest route to Seattle and the suburb of Kirkland, which is on the eastern side of Lake Washington.

As we were driving up the coast , we often came across reference to Lewis and Clark. I wonder who they are? I also noticed that most houses along the coast were wooden, and often looked like shingles rather than long boards.

When we got to Astoria (near the border with Washington state), the map didn’t show very clearly that there were two bridges, so of course, Miss W thought we had gone over the one we needed to, and we ended up driving for about 10 minutes when she realised we were heading to Portland rather than Seattle. So we backtracked, went over the correct bridge and followed behind a very slow car to Olympia. One very impatient driver overtook eight cars in one go – luckily there was no traffic coming the other direction.

Olympia was time to fuel up the car, not knowing how long we would have to drive to find the motel in Kirkland. So off the freeway ramp, got petrol, followed a sign that said I5 which was the freeway. About 10 minutes later we were on a nice little road called Johnson Drive and it certainly wasn’t getting us near the freeway. Ask for help again, finally we hit the freeway.

Poor Miss W is not having good luck getting back on the freeway after fuelling up, but she is prepared to ask for help. In Kirkland, got to motel, wrote some emails to organize visit to Mrs Hembree and a couple of classes on Vancouver Island, which is in British Columbia province of Canada.

A day of rest required so no travelling in freeway traffic today. Instead we went into the suburb of Redmond and visited a chat room friend of Miss W. You can see her in the picture. Had a lovely lunch time cuppa with her and then back to check email and write some more blogging challenges and comments.

Miss W has still not heard from Alamo car rentals about having the car serviced. She sent them an email a few days ago mentioning she would be leaving USA for a few weeks and it was supposed to be serviced in about 1000 miles time.

So finally today. We headed off to the Alexander Graham Bell Elementary School to visit with Mrs Hembree in her library. Two classes came in and she read them a story about a Tasmanian Devil then the students asked Miss W some questions about Tasmania and other parts of Australia. After a quick tour of the school, which is under renovation at the moment, Miss W showed Mrs Hembree how to subscribe to RSS feeds. This makes it easier for teachers to read the posts on lots of blogs instead of going to each blog separately.

Mrs Hembree has contact with another Australian blogger named BB and her mum. If you want to check out BB’s blog, go to this link and Mrs Hembree has a blog for her readers at the school.

Our next stop was the USA / Canadian border at Blaine. There were police and customs officers who stopped my car and searched it fully, including the suitcase and backpack we had. They were amazed at someone driving all the way from California. Maybe they thought I was bringing drugs into the country. Lots of questions again about how much money I had with me and where I was going to stay.

Finally allowed to move on and head to the ferry terminal at Tsawwassen to catch the 3pm ferry. About 10 minutes out of the terminal, there was a sign saying the 3pm ferry was full and the next ferry 50% full. Luckily though, I paid for my ticket, got in the queue and drove onto the 3pm ferry.

It was a very pleasant trip, no large waves and Miss W and I stood outside looking for Orcas and dolphins, but no luck. It then started to rain so back into the car for the last half hour of the two hour trip.

Feel free to leave a comment or write a post about something highlighted, but we also want to know who Lewis and Clark are and why there is a trail you can follow of where they have been.

49 thoughts on “We are on our way, Comox Valley!!

  1. this is a awesome site it is cool how the pictures are so lively you should go to the i max in victoria it’s a mueseam. im pamela runge i am in grade seven.

    • G’day Pamela,
      Going to an IMAX is fantastic says Miss W. She went to one that showed the Grand Canyon. Miss W also says remember to be internet safe and not use your last name. She has taken it out of your comment.

    • G’day Matthew,
      Yes we thought the house was unusual. There were lots made of wooden boards but many were also like shingles the old explorers used to have on their rooves of their early houses.

  2. Hi im Mike in Ms.Braidwoods class in the Comox valley.Vancouver Island is a great place to live there is a lot of senery and as you saw probably it rains a lot here. I have been living here for eight years and I love living here.

  3. Hi my name is Maddie, I am in Mrs.Braidwood’s class. I think it’s really cool that you travelling to B.C. To anwser your question, Lewis and Clark were explorers who went through a little of Canada and explored along the Missouri River.There they aquired a guide and translator, a local native woman by the name of Sacagawea. I liked reading your post and hope you will enjoy your time here in B.C.

  4. Dear Mr.Davo My name is Madeline I`m in grade seven in Mrs.Braidwood`s class when I went to Baseball with my mom and brother we met a very impatient driver. There was a women in a silver car and she stopped her car to yell at my brothers friends dad for asking her to slow down. After that my mom took us aside and said, “there, you just saw a big case of impatientce and road rage”.

    I have a question for Miss Wyatt have you two been to the visitor center in Courtaney and have you seen the big retired train out front?

    • G’day Madeline,
      It is a sorry world that there are so many impatient drivers. You are not really going to get anywhere much quicker than if you were driving at the right speed. Miss W says we will be going to the visitor’s centre tomorrow to get some brochures before we go to Mt Washington.

  5. MR.Davo Miss
    Wyatt hi my name colton im from Mrs. Braid woods class you should go for a nice little walk down by the docks fresh sea air you can see starfish crabs and fish the
    bye have a great day.

    • G’day Colton,
      That sounds like a great idea. In the directory of the motel we are staying at it mentions a walk by the estuary to see the birds and other wildlife. Hope I don’t meet an elk or a bear though, and Mrs Braidwood said there had been more cougars lately.

  6. Hello Mr. Davo,

    My name is Josh and I’m in Mrs. Braidwood’s Grade 7 class. Iv never seen orcas or dolphins but iv seen purpos’s under my boat. When I was going to tree island.

  7. Hi my name is Kayla and I’m in grade 7 in Mrs.Braidwood’s class. My Dad was driving my brother and I home from appointments when we met a super impaitent driver. We went to turn a corner and a little car turned too and she almost crashed into us. She started screaming and yelling at my dad and he just told her that she should have waited and she started yelling agian. My dad just tried to get out so he could turn. When we finally got out and were driving again he told us he was sorry but some people don’t know how to control their anger.

    • G’day Kayla,
      It is so important to know how to control your temper – often it can lead to all sorts of other trouble – if only people thought first before saying anything. Sounds like your dad did the right thing and ‘kept his cool’.

  8. Hello, my name is Josee, and welcome to the Comox Valley! I hope that you have had a great trip and have experienced lots of beautiful places that this island has to offer. If you are looking for some more interesting places to visit I would sudgest Mount Washington. In the summer time it’s a great place to visit, there are wonderful views. Last year I took part in the Student Blogging Challenge, and I hope to take part in it again this year too! How long have you been running the Blogging Challenge for? Have a great trip!

    • G’day Josee,
      Miss W and I will be heading to Mt Washington tomorrow. Hope it is not too covered in snow. I remember last year at one stage you had snow in the grounds of your school. Miss W says she has been running the blogging challenge for 4 years and this is the 7th set of challenges.

  9. Hi my name is Celina. I was in the student blogging challenge. I really liked it! I like the challenge of the posts. My favourite post was the Digital Dossier one! Make sure you visit Mt. Washington! So how do you like the Canada so far?

  10. Hi my name is Emma and I am in grade 7 in Mrs. Braidwoods class. One time I was waiting to see the Beluga whales and Dolphins for about 10 minutes but then I saw beluga whales but not Dolphins 🙁 and I like Dolphins a little more than beluga whales! it was at the aquarium with my lastyears class though. and then at 12:30 we went to sleep in front of the big window that the beluga whales were in. The next day we ate breakfast then went to see the animals again then I saw a Dolphin jump out of the water:) and swim away but thats all I saw and then we took the bus and ferry home.

  11. I think this is a great post. It would of been awesome if you would of been able to see some Orcas or dolphins, a while back my mom and I went whale watching, we saw lots of Orcas, they were so many we lost count!

  12. Hi my name is Jacey. I think it’s interesting that you are travelling to B.c, and by the way I am in Mrs Braidwood’s class. To answer your question about lewis and Clark, they Travelled a little around B.C. I like your post, it is really cool and I like to travel. Here is a question for you. What kind of things are there in Tasmania, and what kind of anmials are there.I also like your pictures on your post.That was a very nice post.I hope you have a nice trip back and are safe.

    • G’day Jacey,
      Where are some places you have travelled to? Tasmania is very like Oregon, Washington and Vancouver Island. But many of our animals are only found in either Tasmania or Australia and no where else in the world.

  13. Hello Miss W!
    I am Jackson from Ms. Smith’s class. It was very cool when you came to our class and answered all of our questions. I have a connection to when you were kind of lost on the free way. When I went to Hawaii with my family, my mom was driving us to a mountain where we were going to go on a hike. It was supposed to take 1 hour to get there but it took 3 hours and we finally got instructions from a very nice local man! But the hike was well worth it! Have a great trip! Jackson

    • Jackson,
      I am one of the sort of people who don’t mind asking for directions. If I have been driving around for 15 minutes and not got to where I thought I should be, then it is time to ask for help. I am having a great trip thanks and today I went up Mt Washington in the rain, then to Campbell River back to Cumberland and for a walk along the foreshore. I am still looking for elk, cougars and bears but maybe I need to be outside at dusk instead.

  14. Hi, Mr. Davo,

    There’s a lot of crazy drivers in America. I remember the moments when we almost crashed. It was scary. Have safe travels.

    • Mya,
      I was very lucky that I left the island on the day that I did. I saw on the TV that the ferries were cancelled a day or so later because of bad weather. I have not had any really bad weather at all on my trip so far.

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