G’day seniors

Hi Junita and her seniors class,

I hear you are learning about blogging today. So I thought I might tell you about how I got into blogging.

San Francisco skylineMy name is Mr Davo Devil. I have been blogging since 2011 when I started to travel overseas with my friend Miss Wyatt. I decided I needed to keep a record of all the interesting places we visited. We have driven around America and Canada for 3 months visiting lots of classes who also were blogging. At the end of that first trip, I was a bit naughty and hid in one of the classrooms. By the time Miss Wyatt got back home to Tasmania, she thought I was truly lost and sent out a call for the classes to look for me. Thankfully I was found in Mrs Yollis’ classroom. I then spent a year travelling around America on my own, going from class to class and staying overnight with students at their homes. I had a great time.

Davo GreystonesThen last year Miss Wyatt and I spent time in Ireland where Miss W was researching her family history. We also visited other classes especially Merry Beau’s school in County Wicklow. Because Miss W was trying to find out about her great great grandmother who was a convict in Tasmania in the 1840’s we visited a lot of archives and gaols while touring. She did find out a lot of information while we were there and has written about it on her family history blog. If you click here, the link will take you to her blog about family history.

A few years ago Miss W and I decided we were going to try and take one photo each day and put that on a blog. We thought this would be very easy to do but we haven’t yet made it through one entire year with a photo for each day. Here is the link to that blog.

So thanks for reading my introduction. I wonder if you have any questions. If you do then feel free to ask Junita or leave a comment on this post.

To leave a comment, click on the title of this post. Now scroll to the bottom and the comment area will appear. Fill in your name, your email if you have one (this doesn’t get published). In the big box, write your comment. Copy the comment by highlighting and CTRL C. Fill in the anti spam word and finally hit the submit button.

You should get a message saying your comment is in moderation. If it asks you to write your comment again, then you will have to fill it in again but paste in the comment you have already copied from earlier.

So time now to leave a comment if you wish.

I have a question for each of you:
If you were going to have your own blog, what would you write about on it and why?

3 thoughts on “G’day seniors

  1. Hi Ms Wyatt,

    Thanks for your warm welcome to your blog. My favourite type of blog posts are for my Family History writing.


    • Hi Carole,
      Do you have your own blog for your family history like I have for mine? You might like to include your URL and I can then add to the sidebar of my blog.

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